Real Estate Articles

Your Biggest Asset | By: Dave Van Horn

from Dave's Blog

No, it’s not a body part . . .

And no, it’s not real estate, gold, or even notes . . .

It’s TIME. 

How are you managing yours?? 

Time is more valuable than money.  You can get more money, but not more time.

You all have 24 hours in a day.  You have roughly 8 hours to sleep and 8 hours to work.  What are you doing with the other 8 hours that’s left?  The biggest secret of the wealthy and successful is how they manage their remaining 8 hours, differently. 

They are more disciplined with the use of their time.

Here are some good ways to keep time in perspective:

  • Run the day or the day runs you. 
  • “Stay in charge.”
  • Work smarter (longer) and harder.
  • Learn how to say,” NO”.  
  • Don’t let your mouth overload your back.
  • Get more out of you, increase your efficiency, perfect your skills, expand your knowledge, and broaden your awareness.
  • Utilize “Do not disturb times.” 
  • Focus and concentrate more. 
  • Be productive not just busy. 
  • Use the Power of Time to your advantage. 
  • Impatient thinking can lead to some very big mistakes.  Sometimes just being patient in a negotiation can lead to a more favorable outcome.
  • Manage your personal time as well. 
    One of my personal favorites is “Date Night” with my wife of over 25 years.
  • Don’t kill, spend, or waste your time, invest it.  

As Charles “Tremendous” Jones says, “….the only difference between you now and a year from now is the books you read and the people you meet.”  Be sure to turn exercise and drive time into education and personal development time through the use of audios and audio books. 

Remember, sometimes you need to stay in touch but be out of reach, if you want to keep more of your most valuable asset.

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